Become a Kiwanis Member

Why join Kiwanis?

You want to…

  • make your community a better place for you and your family.
  • give back to your community through meaningful service.
  • meet good people and make long-lasting friendships.
  • give Manchester’s children and youth the opportunity to learn, grow, and become the leaders of the future.

These are just a few reasons why you might decide to join Kiwanis Club of Manchester.

If you’re an energetic, community-minded person who wants to share the Kiwanis mission of improving the lives of children and youth and making the world a better place, then we need you.

Please click here to download a fillable pdf application.

Financial Commitments

Kiwanians are responsible for annual dues to our club and to Kiwanis International which maintain the operation of the organzation ($135) and a one time criminal background check ($35) to protect the children and youth we help. Kiwanians are also responsible for the cost of their meals at meetings (we order off the menu at Comman Man Tru).

Kiwanians are also invited to participate in fundraising initiatives, which are FUN! These include the annual auction, 10K Reverse Raffle, parking for ball games and events, and more. There are many opportunites, but they are not required. We generally ask that each Kiwanian participates in at least two events whether they are community service or fundraising, it’s up to you.

Corporate Memberships

Corporate Memberships allow your company to join Kiwanis Club of Manchester as a member and designate an employee to participate in Kiwanis activities. A great option for companies that want to do good in the greater Manchester community while elevating their brand and promoting volunteerism within their organization.

How it works:

  • Your company or organization, rather than an individual, joins Kiwanis Club of Manchester, NH.
  • You designate an employee to represent your company at meeting and events.
  • If your designated employee changes jobs or is transferred, a new employee can be designated to take their placeโ€” without being charged a new member fee.

Contact Us for more information about elevating your business image and support in the community.

The Kiwanis Objectives

1. ย  To give primacy to the human and spiritual rather than to the material values of life.

2. ย  To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships.

3. ย  To promote the adoption and the application of higher social, business, and professional standards.
